Choosing to repair versus replace your HVAC system is a tough choice.
If you’ve had a repair within the last year and know you’ll need to replace your unit soon, making the choice to spend more money is difficult. In this time of high inflation, let’s not double-spend your hard-earned money on repairs and replacement.
Legacy Home Services is proud to introduce for a limited time the Repair Buyback Program – apply the money you already spent on an HVAC repair (even if it was with another company!) towards the cost of a brand new, energy-efficient HVAC system*!
With this special offer, we will credit your repair cost up to $1,250 toward a new system**. Don’t let your valuable money spent on a repair go to waste.
We have many low-payment plans available!
Don’t worry about having to spend your hard-earned money on repairing your HVAC system!
*Plan is valid for 365 days from date of purchase and expires on day 366 unless renewed during active plan term. Plan must be held in active status to receive discount benefits and over consecutive years to earn and keep credits. Any lapse in active status results in loss of credit and discount benefits. Plan is Non-Refundable. Maintenance performed during normal business hours, M-F 8a-5p.